
Hey Mickey!

Welcome back everyone and I hope your having a great day! Fall semester begins Monday, so earlier this week I spent my lasts few days of freedom at the "happiest place on earth" in Orlando. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to go on the hottest day on earth (108 degrees). It was obviously hot for Mickey too because I didn't see him anywhere (probably enjoying air conditioning). Aside from that snag, it was a great mini vacation.

Since my trip was short, I packed light. Correction, I packed light compared to how much I usually pack. Its really something I'm working on but I love to have options (indecisive). The most important thing to remember for packing,as far as clothing,is comfort. Especially during the summer, light and airy pieces are the way to go. I mainly stuck with shorts and wore pajama pants on the first day because I wanted something effortless. 

DAY 1: Relaxed

I love wearing prints so I was gravitated towards this pants although,I wish there were pockets.When wearings prints, solid colors look best with them. Accessories in my opinion should be minimal because the print is the focal point.

Top:Cotton On
Pajama Pants: Wet Seal
Sandals: Jessica Simpson (Macy's)
Cross body:Steve Madden (Ross)
Necklace:Guess Outlet Store
Aviators: Gifted (Thanks Courtney!)

DAY 2: Disney Animal Kingdom

When your going to an amusement park, its a good idea to wear the hair up (it'll definitely get frizzy).You can always accessorize with a headband or hat. I wore the same pieces of jewelry from the first day because it matched both outfits (less work), and I don't like traveling with a bunch of jewelry. In addition, I went back to the 90's and choose these jean overalls. I'd been looking everywhere for a pair at a decent length and price. You can easily wear a bandeau, tank top, or crop top under overalls, but I prefer a simple t-shirt.

T-Shirt:Levi's Outlet Store
Overalls: Wet Seals
Sneakers: Coach (DSW)
Headband: Urban Outfitters 

DAY 3:Shopping

We couldn't leave Orlando without a "quick" peek in the outlet stores.I choose something simple again and jazzed it up with gold accessories. Sandals are my favorite item to add to an outfit and I wear this pair all the time. I just really love the details and they're like a nicer version of Birkenstocks (no offense to anyone).Small bags are also a must because you don't want to carry around a big purse with unnecessary junk(guilty).

Shorts:Old Navy
Sandals:Jessica Simpson (Dillard's)
Midi Rings: H&M

Devotional Corner
"The Right Path" 1 John 2:15-16 

15"Do not love the world or anything in the world, love for the Father is not in them.16"For everything in the world-the lust of flesh,the lust of eyes, and the pride of life-comes not from the Father but from the world."(NIV)

The world offers many things that can be appealing but, that doesn't always mean  it's good for you.It's important to remain true to yourself and avoid being easily swayed , especially in college, by something or someone that doesn't align with your path (goals,values, etc). In addition, material things are not always bad. When you focus on them too much,however, it takes over your life. For example,like any other young adult,I use my phone a lot. When I feel myself getting too drawn, I take a break and talk with someone in person, read, get organized, or just focus on God.Ultimately we all should strive to be ourselves without negative influences and limit concentration on the materials.When we focus on them, we draw attention away from God;Who just wants to spend some undivided time with us.

Stay Chic!
-Xoxo Deleon


The "Royal" Wedding

First off, a special thank you to everyone who made time to check out my new blog. I'm very excited about this endeavor and I'm optimistic about where it will take me.I decided to step out on faith and I hope someone can draw inspiration from my passion;I digress (habit).

From the title of this post you can already guess where I went this past weekend. Weddings are always exciting to me because its an excuse for me to be fancy and I'm not ashamed to say I watch all of those bridal shows regularly (especially Four Weddings). So, when a relative asked me to be a hostess for her wedding I nonchalantly said, "sure" but I was obviously flattered.

The main color for the wedding was royal blue but, there was absolutely nothing royal or blue in my closet. Of course this was the perfect excuse to go shopping because I "needed" a dress, and to my surprise it was a lot harder to find a royal blue dress than I thought. About five stores later I found the perfect dress and it was on sale (my favorite word). God had this dress waiting just for me I'm sure of it. 

Below you will find more photos,snapshots with some family(including the bride),and an encouraging scripture.

Outfit Details:
Dress: Dillard's
Shoes: Charles Jourdan purchased from (DSW)
Clutch: Burlington Coat Factory
Earrings: JCPenny

Devotional Corner

"Launch Out" Luke 5:4-6
4."When he had finished speaking,he said to Simon,"Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.5 Simon answered,'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything.But because you say so,I will let down the nets.'6 When they had done so,they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break."(NIV)

My pastor recently spoke in reference to this scripture and he spoke on the subject of faith. Simon and these other fishermen were not novice at their job, but they were professionals and had no success on that particular occasion. Simon had toiled all day but launched the net because Jesus instructed him to and he had faith in God. The main point is,don't feel frustrated because there is no success in sight. Your situation is only for a season and when you continue to be obedient to God,you will prosper. The greater your faith is in Him, the greater your outcome will be.Remember that its okay to want more in life.Once you get past the rough patch, you will have a greater appreciation for where you are.

Stay Chic!
-Xoxo Deleon