
DIY Last Minute Gift Idea


Christmas is almost here guys! I hope you've wrapped up all those gifts. If you're one of those last minute people like me, I have a solution. Fur key chains have definitely been on trend in 2015 fashion. They're such a chic way to add some pizazz to an overall look. I had a hard time finding one in stores and I'm too impatient to wait for shipping. While surfing youtube I came across a few DIY fur key chain tutorials and thought I'd share what I've learned.This DIY  project is a quick and thoughtful gift to add to any fashionista's style.


      *Don't forget the scissors*

1. Using the circular object, trace a circle on the back of your craft fur.

2. Cut out your circle
*Warning your work-area will get furry*

3. Thread your needle (I used about 13 inches of thread)  and stitch all the way around the circle staying close to the edge. Remember not to tug on the thread when you're sewing because we don't want it to tighten. Once you've made it around, keep your extra thread attached to the needle.

4. Pull on the extra thread until the edges of your fur start to fold in. Next, put some cotton balls inside your cocoon.

          5. Continue pulling on your thread until the cotton is no longer visible.

6. "Thread" the extra thread through the key ring.

7.  Congrats you made it to the last step! Now that your key chain is threaded, pierce the needle through the fur. Continue looping the thread through the ring as much as you prefer so the key chain is securely attached. (Pulling the thread tightly) Once you're satisfied, cut the excess thread and tie a knot.
SN: I used white thread so I could see better when sewing, but the fur hide my stitch work. Use black thread for a more seamless look when gifting it to someone.

¡ Finito !

~Outfit Details~
T-Shirt- Forever 21
Jeans- Marshall's
Necklace- Forever 21
Fedora- Forever 21
Bag- Coach

Devotional Corner
'Tis the season
John 3:16 NLT

16 "For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

It's a blessing to be able to give to others. The greatest one of all was God's gift to us. What's so awesome about this gift is that anyone and everyone can have it. This gift doesn't cost anything because it's already been paid for on calvary. All we have to do is accept it. How easy is that! Let's not forget that Jesus is the best gift that we could ever receive.

Merry Christmas & stay chic!
-Xoxo Deleon

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